We help community foundation leaders and philanthropy infrastructure professionals to design as architects of change.
We co-host inspiring conversations, offer peer and mentoring support, and co-create tools for learning in practice.
If we seek to change disempowering systems into ones where people acknowledge their agency and communities bring their resources together, might community foundation movements and collaborative philanthropy infrastructure play a part?
Movements run on broad collaboration and participation. They are also full of examples of entrepreneurial spirit – groups of people who take the risk of acting upon a belief that the future can look differently from the present. By bringing together local assets and leveraging them into philanthropic mechanisms that create impact.
As people see the results of surfacing and giving resources, a culture of giving takes hold. People notice assets and actors multiplying over time, and gain trust in their communities’ own capacities to build futures of belonging and regeneration.
Key concepts
★ strategic design – manifested as the ability to organize systems of collaboration at different levels of action (local, national, regional, international).
★ community foundations – as connecting players between different kinds of resources and actors in the community, using philanthropic mechanisms such as funds and grants to align agendas and generate results.
★ systems-changing players – as part of a national network of collaboration that equips community foundations with know-how and connections, enhancing their reputation and expanding their opportunities for collective impact.
These inform our work as strategists, facilitators and tool builders who help other architects of change be effective in the work of sparking transformative movements.
And in holding structure for them to grow.
Practitioners become the catalysts of their own philanthropy ecosystems.
Continuously learning professionals will elevate their practice in conversation with their international peers.
To seed and nurture visionary entrepreneurship and design creative and engaging processes for new change-makers to join.
You can reach us at hello@inspire-change.org. We are a not for profit organization registered in Romania, with presence in Brașov, Cluj and Madrid.